YouGrow TikTok Promotion: Does It Work?

Wondering if YouGrow’s TikTok promotion works? Here’s the short, three-word answer: Yes, it works. Here’s the slightly longer answer: I tried a “TikTok Video and Account Promotion” with YouGrow, going with their Starter package that guarantees 55K–75K+ views on a TikTok video using TikTok’s ad platform. Sure enough, the campaign generated 67.9K views on my […]

3 Ways to Market Your Music to Your Fans

I got coffee with my friend Joel the other week. I think a lot of good things are going to come from our convo. I won’t make any promises, because I’ve learned the hard way how bad I am at keeping to deadlines, but it’s looking and more likely that we’ll make a Two Story […] Review: Worth It or Not?

If you’re reading this, chances are good that you’ve searched “ review” and you’re looking for a quick take on 1) whether or not the company is legit and 2) whether or not their Spotify promotion actually works. Here’s my quick take: Yes, the company is legit, and yes, their Spotify promotion works. You can […]

Is Music PR Really Worth It?

I’ve been doing music PR professionally for… eh, maybe five years. The exact number of years / experience I can claim depends on a) what you consider “professional PR”, and b) whether you think time is an objective facet of reality or just a made-up concept we use to describe our subjective perception of the […]

My Phone Died

I submerged my phone in coffee last week. Not purposefully, of course. Here’s how it happened… I’d just gotten coffee from Mango Tree, my favorite local shop that features high ceilings, mahogany furniture, and people with interesting haircuts and tattoos of humanoid mushrooms. Every time I go in there, I feel like the least hip […]

The Best Music Marketing Plan for 2023

Most weeks, someone sends me an email like this one: Hey Jon, I’m completely lost in the streaming/playlist/tagging/pitching/social media connecting digital age. I’m just trying to scratch out some insight, education and perspective, to figure out how in hell I might be able to reach an audience out there… because I’m an artist, and I’d […]

How to Get Started with Music Promotion in 2022

All right, time to get super practical. Last week, I offered up a reflective take on the value of rest using mountain hikes as a metaphor. Since you probably don’t want me to philosophize every week, today, we’re back to tactics. Someone asked me this question last week: “If you don’t yet have many fans […]

How to Get Followers on Spotify (2022)

I’m a little ashamed to admit this, but when an artist reaches out to our team at Two Story, here are the first two things I do to decide if they’re “legit” or not. 1) I see how many streams they’ve got on their top track, and 2) I see how many followers they have […]

Why You Should Let Yourself Rest

I’m tired again. Last week (as you may have heard – unless you dodged all seven of my emails, which I can respect), I launched my course on Spotify growth. It was great, and this week, I have the emotional and mental energy of a wrung-out dishrag. Launches wear me out, I think largely because […]

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