Foy Vance and Ed Sheeran’s Heartbreaking “Blue”

You want to give the guy a hug. Okay, so we know about his great high tenor voice – a really good range. It doesn’t really matter what he sings, you just want to listen to him sing it. But he also has this sensitive soul. Ed Sheeran lives in his feelings. He takes the […]

Dermot Kennedy’s “Sunday” Took Me To Church

There’s a clock ticking in my living room, and right now it’s all I hear, as I sit and let Dermot Kennedy’s song “Sunday” sink into my heart and my mind. The lingering piano chords move over my soul like dry snow swirling in gusts over pavement on a cold winter’s day. As I listen, […]

J Lind’s “Don’t Let Them Steal Your Joy” is Pure Joy

It’s fine…It’s not fine…Don’t let them steal the backbeat in the rhythm in your voice. J Lind’s “Don’t Let Them Steal Your Joy” is a joyful song in the face of criticism, skepticism, and even prejudice. It doesn’t matter what you do, there will be those who doubt, those who oppose. As often as not, […]

“Will Anybody Ever Love Me?”

“Will Anybody Ever Love Me,” by Sufjan Stevens, is a song about a quest. The ultimate aim is to experience love – an honest, authentic love – so, another journey, really. Various landscapes are traversed in the music video, and each landscape has a portal to another landscape, and the journey goes on. This isn’t […]

“Your Side Of Town” Is About The Wrong Side Of Town

Punk rock goes to raw places that usually just tend to fester in the dark, and it shines a light on them. There is something about punk rock, including 80’s style synth-driven punk rock like that of The Killers, that gets supremely honest and cuts through politically correct “you can’t say that” with a “that’s […]

“Yes Maybe No” by Telephone Friends

The introduction to “Yes Maybe No,” by Telephone Friends, is a mix of wind instruments and light synthesizer sounds that don’t reappear in the rest of the song. It reminds me of my college days, sitting in the hallway between practice rooms, hearing a variety of instruments playing a variety of songs, and enjoying the […]

Noah Kahan’s “New Perspective” is a Yearning For Simpler Times

We have seen a lot of change in the last few years. It’s throwing us off. We haven’t kept up with it. The pace of change has been exhausting, especially in places in which people were sheltered from a lot of change – or even a lot of difference in opinion and experience and lifestyle […]

Scottish Singer’s “Chapters” is a Head Turner

You’re bouncing along on a remote Scottish road, not another vehicle in sight, trying not to be distracted by thoughts of getting your car in for service to get the shocks looked at, because there are various upcoming bends to negotiate and potholes to avoid. You happen to look up into the Highlands. Well, they […]

The Era of “Epoch” by DeYarmond Edison

“Epoch,” or – by the full name, “Epoch – Song for a Lover (of Long Ago)” is the culmination of some unfinished business. That business is now being taken care of by the band DeYarmond Edison, originally from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Also, a box set, because DeYarmond Edison has actually been around for a while, […]

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