“Snow Day” by Shame: Not Just a Song, but a Journey

If there is one style of music which I’ve never really been opposed to, yet never gone looking for, it would have to be spoken word. Regardless of the instrumentation or genre, I’ve always been really big on melodies in songs. In my journey of placing such a large emphasis on melodies as opposed to […]
“Paper Fog” by Cory Hanson: Unearthing an Underappreciated Genre

To my knowledge, a subset of musical genres which seems less explored than it should be is acoustic-psychedelic rock. Some of my favorite music from legendary psychedelic-rock band, Pink Floyd, comes from their work in the early 1970s, which incorporated a lot of this sound into the albums which they were producing. To me, there […]
“Cumberland River ‘58” by Addison Johnson: Returning to Country Roots

One question which I am constantly asking people (or being asked, for that matter) is “What genre of music do you like?” To which most people will respond, “Basically everything… except country.” While the genre began with incredibly bare roots, telling relatable stories about working class individuals, it slowly drifted away into something nearly unrecognizable. […]
“D Y W” by Airpark (feat. St. Lucia): A Masterclass in Melody Crafting

No matter the genre or era, the one thing that connects all good songs (in my opinion) is their melody. Lyrics and instrumentation aside, if the song does not have a melody that can get stuck in your head, its chances of succeeding drop dramatically. Think about it: how many songs can you sing every […]
“For No One For Now” by Lael Neale: Looking Towards the Future with Positivity

It’s so easy, especially in today’s world, to get caught up on the internet about all the terrible things happening in the world. Even if you were to get rid of all your technology, this influence has still inspired your favorite writers to create based on these powerful emotions. While it is important for artists […]
“Fleeting” by Monmoi: Stuck in a Lost Relationship

If there is one thing that can be said about music as a whole, it’s that it possesses a power to bring people together from all around the world. Regardless of their upbringing or location, most successful artists have the ability to forge songs which carry a vital message at their core which helps people […]
“Cooler Returns” by Kiwi Jr.: American Politics from an Outsider

I have said before, and will say again, that political issues don’t have to be contained within the country they are taking place. In our modern world, many big policy changes in one country can absolutely affect another. Given this, it is no surprise that people from around the world have seemingly become more involved […]
“Seclude” by Tristan Jarvis: Facing Isolation with a Retro Sound

Although genres tend to be associated with the music released in specific decades, this hasn’t stopped artists from dipping their fingers into the past to create modern hits. Some artists, however, take full advantage of the availability of information that we have nowadays and fully indulge in that sound of the past. With so many […]
“Quarterback” by Clearbody: Energetic, Emotional Punk

The concepts of longing for the past and regretting decisions from your life are no strangers to the punk rock genre. While some may say this genre is too simple, which makes the music boring, others will say that it is that simplicity which helps this genre thrive. By simplifying the instrumentation, more room is […]
“Whirlpool” by Told Slant: Craving Somebody’s Return

The one thing in the world that will always be more painful than somebody you’re interested in not wanting to speak to you is somebody who was previously interested back in you no longer wanting to speak to you. Coming to terms with the loss of anyone close, whether they be a friend or lover, […]