“Glove” by Cryogeyser: Lost in a Crumbling Relationship

Being in a crumbling relationship and realizing your relationship is crumbling are two entirely separate things. Sometimes you’ll realize it on your own, and other times it will take leagues of friends and those who are close to you to help you come to terms with what is happening. With “Glove,” by Cryogeyser, a three-piece […]
“A Million Times” by Rosehip Teahouse: Tackling Your Anxiety Head On

Sometimes, when moving to a new location, you’ll find that you change in order to fit in. Whether that be moving schools, jobs, or just the area in which you live, it’s almost as if changing who you are is the easiest path to success. However, at the end of the day when you’re alone […]
“Live Another Life” by Son Lux: Remembering to Live for Yourself

A lot of the time, when you’re stuck in an unhealthy relationship, it can be difficult to see it until someone points it out to you. After putting so much time and energy into one person, those around you will see you change, but you won’t recognize it. That being said, once you recognize the […]
“Things In The Sky” by Cherry Pickles: Chasing Love Like Waves

Sometimes, simple is better. That applies to most aspects of life, but especially music. Nowadays, there seems to be something missing in the “duo garage band” genre, and I’m not sure why that is. You would assume that this type of music would be the easiest to create, only needing two people, however, there is […]
“Lucky Sue” by Men I Trust: Remembering Your Blessings

The easiest thing to do when your life starts to crumble around you is give up. That’s why when we hear stories of people around the world persevering in the toughest of situations, we tend to instinctively support them and rally behind their cause. This sort of message is pretty universal, and I believe something […]
Chloe Bodur on “Reasons”, Genre, and Aspirations

Immediately drawing you in with an ear-catching loop filled with instruments and sound effects, “Reasons” by Chloe Bodur shows little signs as to the genre of song it is trying to be. Of course, once the electronic drums join the mix, things start to become clearer. A mix of R&B, pop and hip-hop, the song’s […]
“Excuse Me” by Neev: Understanding Your Worth in a Relationship

It’s always important to know when to call it quits and take a step back from things. While it isn’t necessarily easy, it’s always going to benefit yourself in the long run if you are upfront and honest. While you could say it’s a given, sometimes these messages are the type that people need to […]
“Don’t Bother Mountain” by Lydia Loveless: Looking Down on a Relationship

Trying to escape a failing relationship is never a situation you’d want to find yourself in. Whether it be long or short term, blame is most likely going to fly in both directions, and it’s going to hurt. It’s not always easy trying to explain this in a way which people can relate to and […]
“Ozone High” by Ginger Libations and anjali.rose: A Lesson on Genre Fusion

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the words, “Alternative Jazz Funk Fusion?” If you’re drawing a blank, don’t feel bad, so was I. That being said, I’m always up to step outside of my musical comfort zone to explore something new and exciting. To me, part of what […]
Josh Shaw of Blvck Hippie on Music, Inspiration, and “Rhodes Ave.”

As we grow up, nostalgia tends to be a recurring emotion which can simultaneously lift us up as well as drag us down. No matter where we are in life, hearing a certain song can instantly teleport us back to a specific memory. This is why, when playing around on the piano one day, Josh […]