“A Man Behaves” by Sequentia Sequentia: Coming to Terms with a Crumbling Relationship

A fun game I like to play is “What would this song sound like if it was by this other artist?” Sometimes the ideas come to you fully fleshed out, while other times they quickly fizzle and are forgotten. A quick search on YouTube can find many of these types of videos, where creative musicians […]
“I Wanna Disappear” by SHYAWAY: Involvement from a Distance

With how interconnected the world is today, it’s no wonder how social movements can be so widespread. No longer does an injustice go unnoticed due to lack of publication or suppression of information. Despite being based in Brighton, United Kingdom, Adam Macaulay (also known by his musical moniker SHYAWAY) wanted to get involved with the […]
“Solipsism” by Fenne Lily: Embracing Yourself

At some point in life, you have to take a step back to realize who you are and what type of environment surrounds you. Do you want to be a product of your environment, or do you want your environment to form around who you are? Of course, the latter is more desirable, however it […]
“Run Dry” by Juni Habel: A Classic Example of Folk Done Right

Despite changes in the country/folk genre over the decades, one thing that can be said is that it’s always been music with personality. Usually employing simple instrumentation so as not to draw attention away from the story being told, these songs have always been an interesting portal into the lives of the people who are […]
“Sayoko” by Skyler Skjelset: An Uncanny Love Song (with Added Anime!)

It’s important to continue pushing yourself through life, even once you are comfortable. Whether that be in a personal or professional way, it’s essential that you realize the second you become complacent. Many bands will find success and stick to their sound, eventually burning it out and becoming boring. However, those who realize their comfort […]
“I Thought I Was Alone” by Thin Lear: Looking Back with New Perspective

One of the greatest struggles I face, and I’m sure many others do as well, on a daily basis is remembering to live in the moment. It’s so easy to get caught up in your head and cast a shadow over everything going on around you, causing you to miss out on some of the […]
“Paper Thin” by Lianne La Havas: Learning to Love Yourself

It’s never easy seeing someone you love get hurt. On top of that, it’s never easy going on that journey to try and help them. People are complex, and while most people will stop at nothing to help their loved ones, it’s easy to become frustrated and simply not understand why they can’t just let […]
“Your God’s Within” by Grace Gillespie: A Reminder to Breathe In, Breathe Out

Sometimes, a good reminder to step back and take a breath is critical. While the world can become overwhelming, and recovery can seem nearly impossible, it’s important to remember that we all possess the power to remove ourselves from a situation and simply focus on our breathing. A simple message, sure, but one that is […]
“Better Days” by Black Cat & Magpies: The Truth Behind Isolation

No matter where you travel in the world, music always seems to be a constant. While different countries might have different artists they idolize, any country’s music can be listened to from another part of the world and still invoke an emotional response. Language-barriers aside, this universal relation to music stems from our ability to […]
“The Village Priest” by Human Barbie: Preaching for Acceptance

I won’t lie. I often fall into phases where I solely listen to older music, especially from the ‘60s or ‘70s. To me, this music has a very specific sound and style which is hardly replicated in newer music today. That being said, I also value progression in music and believe that, for the most […]