The Teskey Brothers Won’t Let You Down in Their New Song “Hold Me”

To say this song has a lot of soul is an understatement. The Teskey Brothers’ new song “Hold Me” is the kind of song that gets your hands clapping and feet stomping, without a doubt. The song progresses as follows: half chorus (intro) ‒ verse ‒ half chorus ‒ verse ‒ full chorus ‒ bridge […]

The Poetry of “Ribbon in the Wind” by My Father’s Son

Let us take a step back to the soulful music of a man with his acoustic guitar. “Ribbon in the Wind” by My Father’s Son is just that, and between the soothing strum of the guitar and our singer’s voice, the amount of heart put into this piece is clear. Even though “Ribbon in the […]

The Powerful Mystery of “The Border” by fountains

fountains‘ new song “The Border” is quite the mystery. With the instruments acting as the driving force of the song, the lyrics are quite powerful, and like anything powerful, greatly open to interpretation. I want to start with the musical side of “The Border” and sideline its lyrical component for a bit. My reason for […]

Calan Mai Hopes to Reunite with a Lost Love in “Friend of a Friend”

On my first listen of “Friend of a Friend” by Calan Mai, I couldn’t help but notice the weight he puts on each and every word with his annunciation. The two main musical elements are the piano and Mai’s voice, and the two blended with each other perfectly. More than that, the lyrics were beyond […]

NEIMY Calls Out Her Ex in “Selfish”

We all know relationships ‒ not just the romantic kind ‒ are two way streets. NEIMY’s new song “Selfish” concerns itself with this topic. However, it’s clear that the person our singer was with took advantage of her love. Before getting into the lyrics, I want to address the instrumental part, because I think it’s […]

Michael Barrow & the Tourists Play Hard-to-Get with “Sweet Honey”

Playing hard-to-get is just one of those things that get our heads spinning, for better or worse. Michael Barrow & The Tourists are essentially talking about this in their new single “Sweet Honey”. However, I think he’s fallen so head-over-heels for the girl he wants that he couldn’t care less about the hard-to-get part: he just […]

Trying to Figure Out Gamma Dog’s “Hear Them Coming”

We all have that friend who dislikes a certain song or band because they believe the lyrics “make no sense.” “Well then you’re just not thinking about it enough,” is usually my response. Gamma Dog’s “Hear Them Coming” is one such songs. The main drive comes from the lyrics, and these lyrics are definitely not […]

The Emotional Charge of Nikita Afonso’s “Holy, My Heart”

Break-ups tend to suck, don’t they? Of course, they vary in severity and fault, but there’s one particular kind that I think Nikita Afonso is addressing in her new song, “Holy, My Heart:” the kind that takes you by surprise. To start of, the title itself connotes a certain shock. She sings “holy, my heart,” […]

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