I know that I’ve found a good song when it gives me chills during my first listen. Kolby Knickerbocker’s new release “Alright With Me” is one of those special songs.

The folk sound in the beginning of the song is calming and clear; it’s an acoustic vibe that makes you feel at peace, like things could be, as the title suggests, alright – with Knickerbocker and with you, too.

Shortly after the opening of the song, Knickerbocker sings,

I saw the world crumbling
and that’s alright with me.

That first line stands out and makes me wonder what else he is going to sing. In a world where peace seems rare and disaster seems all too common, how is the world crumbling alright with Knickerbocker?

Fortunately for us, Knickerbocker doesn’t leave us hanging for too long. He isn’t trying to be vague or mysterious in his lyrics. He tells us that he’s alright because,

As it burned
It was you with me.

His soothing and reassuring voice communicates one of the most profound things that I have been learning lately. And that is the importance of intimate connection and relationship.

On the surface, the lyrics can seem simple. But the truth and beauty they display is complex and compelling.

Knickerbocker also sings of being at the gates of eternity, and again says it’s alright with him because he is not alone.

Whether it is the earth burning or facing the gates of eternity, Knickerbocker has peace. He knows he isn’t alone and that he isn’t entering eternity alone.

Knickerbocker points to the enduring quality of love. He knows he will always love his daughter. He knows that no disaster or ending can take that away.

I love Knickerbocker’s song because it takes me outside of myself. It makes me think about what is lasting and what is not. Though we do not know what disasters or hurricanes might come our way, we can hope and have peace in the steadfast nature of pure love.

Give “Alright with Me” a listen here, and to stay in the loop with Knickerbocker’s music, give him a follow at the links below.

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