Grab a partner and dance to Daffodil Floors by Mandi Mapes

I love a waltz, don’t you? I’ve got a feeling Mandi Mapes might be partial to one as well, judging by the joyous way she delivers Daffodil Floors. I found myself immediately swaying my head from side to side as her latest song started to play with a sweet little piano line. It’s pretty, pretty […]

Gentle simplicity works on Willow by Ella Rae Cole

An attractive strummed acoustic guitar pattern introduces “Willow” by Ella Rae Cole and her even more attractive singing soon follows. There is the addition of a cello part that comes in and out of the song at different intervals. This serves the delicacy of the delivery of this gentle song but due to its clever […]

“TV Dinners” is Skittering, Restless Alt-pop from ALASKALASKA

A wash of synth strings and feedback noises introduce you to “TV Dinners” by ALASKALASKA and are almost immediately cut off by a piano over the chattering beat as the proper introduction to a track that’s perhaps more contemplative that some of their other songs. Deep bass repeats the piano notes and Lucinda Duarte-Holman starts […]

Twisting mood and soaring vocals on Nótt’s ’Frost’

“In Norse mythology, Nótt is night personified.” Intriguing (thanks Wiki). What’s also intriguing is an artist who doesn’t give out a whole lot of information about themselves, instead letting the music do the talking. Nótt (real name Kate) is one of these. On her Spotify biography, she tells us she is “fiercely rooted in rock […]

“Soak” by Blue Lupin is a Beautiful Lo-fi Love Letter

There seems to be a lot of songs about creative people. Songs about singers, artists and actors are a popular subject. Hey, I’ve done it more than once. Bands and singers love to honour their heroes in song. But the actual act of creativity seems a much rarer subject. Until I heard “Soak” by Blue […]

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