“Meet Me in Seattle” by Josh Fudge: Tender, Aching Folk

There is something about peaceful, gentle, folksy acoustic music that seems to be a part of nature. It’s not something that I can readily explain, but oftentimes, there is nothing more appealing than a long walk through the woods, muddying your shoes and crunching through the undergrowth, all while listening to the gentle harmonies and […]
“Living Wage” by Will Overman: A Modern Country Love Story

“Living Wage” by Will Overman is the kind of subtle bluesy country song that hearkens back to the core elements that make country music so beloved. “Living Wage” is devoid of red pickup trucks and beer, and is thankfully lacking that obnoxious country twang that seems to exist in every mainstream country song. Its country […]
Cobey’s “Just Speak Up”: A Dramatic, Cinematic Break-Up Song

One of the greatest problems that plagues all human interaction and all kinds of relationships is a simple issue of communication. Often, it is a lack of communication that creates problems between two people. But within that common issue of communication is this tendency for people to change for someone else. Sometimes these changes are […]
Nautics’ “Dream”: A Drifting, Mysterious Dream-Pop Reverie

Some of the most powerful songs are the ones whose meaning is purposefully obscure, songs whose lyrics paint a partial story, a story that each listener can fill in as they listen to a song, over and over again, trying to understand where this piece of art fits into the jigsaw puzzle that is life. […]
“Downtime” by Significant Other, A Soundscape Among Stories

“Downtime” by Significant Other is a song that tells a story in a subtle manner, disguised by strange phrasing and tonality. If you remove the lyrics and listen simply to the music, it serves as a sort of soundscape. The guitar is strangely pitched and almost watery, and the piano that subsists beneath it is […]