“Go Outside” by Ratboys: Remembering to Appreciate the Simple Things

Coming up on the one year anniversary of the Covid-19 lockdown, I’m sure we can all relate to the feeling of wanting to return to normalcy. Even though things are finally starting to look up, the world is still largely changed as a result of the ongoing pandemic. Many have been isolating for extended periods […]

“Bad Dreams” by Indigo Sparke: Poetry Over Music

A great thing about music is the artform’s versatility. Whether you’re listening to a list of top 20 hits count down on a radio station or you’re sitting down to listen to your favorite Bob Dylan record, every single song can offer something different. While some artists choose to emphasize catchy hooks and melodies, others […]

“Go” by Hiver: Simple Yet Full

The more music I listen to, especially material which was recorded recently, the more I realize how difficult it is for artists to nail that stripped down yet still satisfying sound. While songs are difficult to craft, no matter their complexity, I find that being able to craft a song which is simple yet still […]

“Peak & Trough” by Talk In Colour: Beautifully Unhappy

Being stuck in a relationship you just can’t seem to find a way out of is enough to drive a person to exhaustion. To make matters worse, it can sometimes seem as though, no matter how poorly they treat you, they are your only option. Regardless of why someone might feel this way, it’s never […]

“The Weight of Many Winters” by Graeme James: Wading Through the Cold

While always being associated with the holidays and family cheer, winter also has a darker and more symbolic side. Of course, most are familiar with the so-called, “winter blues,” but beyond knowing its memorable name, many have not experienced it or gotten to see the effects it can really have on a person. Visually, the […]

Arbor Green on “Margaret,” Musical Parents, and the Last Gig of 2020

The brainchild of Ali Begg, Arbor Green was formed with the intention of creating songs whose sound is reminiscent of alternative indie and folk bands from North America. Of course, the band’s sound also invokes images of their native lands of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Their new single, “Margaret,” is no exception. As soon as the […]

“Michelangelo” by Cassandra Jenkins: Being Unforgivingly Open

It’s never easy trying to articulate how you feel inside, especially when you’re doing it on a public platform. Aside from it taking an enormous amount of courage to be so open, it places a great vulnerability upon anyone, let alone an artist trying to survive in this world. A popular way to somewhat sidestep […]

“To Bleed” by Myers Rooney: Reviving the Sound of Decades Past

There is no shortage of music taking inspiration from the past nowadays. However, while many people can aim to create songs which sound vintage and from another era, not many can do it well. By recreating a sound so specific, you sort of back yourself into a corner as far as creativity goes. That being […]

“Cool Dry Place” by Katy Kirby: A Relatable Journey

While trying to come up with an introduction for this piece, something struck me. My mind was wandering about the state of the world and how we are swiftly approaching the end of this unprecedented year. A year which started off with such high hopes, it was the beginning of a brand-new decade, one which […]

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