“Let Down” by HEIGHTS: Taking You High and Feeling Low

There was a time when music that expressed some sort of doubt about self or depression about one’s actions was relegated to the likes of Linkin Park or Three Days Grace. However, as the times have changed, we have gotten our new style of songs about self-examination and dissatisfaction about what one finds. This is […]
The Covasettes “Spin” Is Fresh Energy

Once upon a time there was this little song called “You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)” that was released in 1985. Like the title suggests, it was a New Wave song about that girl that just drives you crazy. It was a fun synth-y piece that just got you moving. Now we have the […]
The Essential Songwriting Gear List

For those of us who play an instrument, there almost always comes a time when we finally are ready to start trying our hand at writing music. But where to start? Is there anything specific you need to begin writing music? Well, if I’m being honest there really isn’t much that is necessary, but there […]
“Sailor’s Journey” by The Atkins Tent Revival: Way-South Southern Gothic

If someone were to ask me what one of my favorite aesthetics is, I would say southern gothic. The old, burned out churches with ivy-covered walls and decaying, mossy angel statues watching over the graves that would have long disappeared without their guardians, it’s all just fascinating to me. It’s why I like Johnny Cash’s […]
Best Baby’s “Get Mine”: An Anti-Capitalist Cri de Couer

When discovering a new band, where do you start? With the music? Name? Presence in the scene? Well, when it comes to Best Baby, a Brooklyn-based garage rock/punk quartet, you start with performing. Best Baby has been playing in the New York scene in some impressive locations, such as The Knitting Factory. Their name comes […]
What Does Indie Mean (for Music)?

Indie music is made by independent artists who aren’t signed to major labels. But “indie” means way more than that. I’m a bit late to the bandwagon, but I started listening to Arctic Monkeys in mid-to-late high school. I’d always loved rock music, and I liked their chilled-out lyrics and guitar vibes and their videos […]
Chatting with Travis Rue of The Satellite Station about “Brand New”

The first thing that I think is important to mention about The Satellite Station’s new single “Brand New” is just how appropriate the cover art for the song is. The soft guitars and even softer piano work amazingly well with the images of time-lapsed night skies and watching the moon slip below the horizon. […]
Borrowed Sparks Releases New Single – “Are You Listening”

This may or may not surprise you, but I was what I call a “Hot Topic” kid growing up. If there was a band featured in Hot Topic, I probably listened to them. I never dressed the part, but I always loved punk and rock music. Borrowed Sparks’ “Are You Listening” takes me right back […]
Let’s Talk About Castle Finn’s Fresh Start to Indie Stardom

Shine for Me by Castle Finn What makes a good driving song? There are entire playlists and CD mixtapes dedicated to catering the perfect experience as you wind your way through the sea cliffs on the coast or cruise for hours on the highways spanning the Midwest United States – or even just driving to […]
St. Bart – “In Your Honour”

“If God lives, she doesn’t want you to go.” It’s a powerful line to start off a somber song filled with violins, soft percussion, and acoustic guitars. “In Your Honour,” from St. Bart’s album no man is a failure who has friends, is a quiet, reflective song, reminiscent of the brother-sister duo The Oh Hellos […]