We Are The Northern Lights – The Story of “Where Your Heart Is”
Husband and wife duo We Are The Northern Lights will be the first to tell you that what seems so obvious now — crafting love songs written by, for, and to each other while traveling the country performing those love songs together every night — wasn’t always. “Sometimes it’s hard to see clearly what’s right […]
The Story Of The Lifer’s “Sister”
You don’t just listen to The Lifers’ “Sister,” you experience the anxiety, self-doubt, and sisterly devotion explored within this song along with them. I heavily relate to this song, despite not having a sister, because it’s partly about self-doubt. Everyone wishes they could be better at what they do, or confident enough to try new […]
The Story Of The Shakes “With Every Moment”
Sean Perry of the Shakes saw death at an intersection and therefore was confronted with two roads he could take: fearing the world or embracing it. He chose to embrace it. That is what the Shakes new song, “With Every Moment “ is about, realizing the temporariness, and fragileness of life, and therefore wanting to […]
Maya Payne – The Story of “Jungle”
If you close your eyes while listening to Maya Payne’s “Jungle” you may imagine a girl running through the forest, light haphazardly illuminating her through holes in the dense canopy. She avoids numerous perils, quicksand, darkness, a tiger, and climbs a tree, emerging through it’s dense branches, surveying the jungle surrounding her. But this is […]
Mikaela Davis – The Story of Delivery
Listening to Mikaela Davis is like watching a firework. The classically trained musician blends her musical expertise with her passion for pop, and out of it all erupts the spectacle that is Delivery, her latest album. The rich color comes from Mikaela’s honest voice as both singer and songwriter. Her band booms alongside her, bringing back […]
Callum Pitt – The Story Of Away From The Rousing Parades
Every genre has its strengths. EDM and House can make hours spent dancing feel like minutes, metal can help people channel darker emotions into something energising and positive, classical can make an otherwise torturous study session fly by like magic. Indie’s strength is in its accessibility: most people don’t have a favourite pirate metal track […]
Emily Kinney – The Story of “Mermaid Song”
I’ve never thought of myself as a mermaid. So, when the first words of Emily Kinney’s single drifted in softly over steady claps and deep humming synths, I’d be lying if I said I immediately related to her sentiment. I am a mermaid that you dreamt. Swimming away while you slept. My reaction was more […]
Anthony Alvarado – The Story of “Proper Place”
There’s so much pain in the world. I’m so grateful for the music that enters into it with grace. Specifically, I’m grateful for Anthony Alvarado’s music. Anthony reached out to me after reading our piece on Corey Kilgannon – his newest EP, To Stutter, to Yell was actually produced by Corey, and the pair collaborate on […]
Neo Noir – The Story of “Wilderness”
Neo Noir’s “Wilderness” makes me feel cool, because, honestly, it’s a sound so unlike the music I normally listen to. Music like this obviously centers around electronic melodies, yet I couldn’t deny the story present in its haunting lines. It is beautiful and satisfying lyrical sunshine on one end, yet wonderfully odd melancholic moonlight in […]
teddybear – The Story of “Nevermind”
The first time I heard a teddybear song, I didn’t know what I was listening to. Those connections you make when you hear a familiar sound (like “this is so Michael Jackson,” or “you can tell they ripped off Jack White”) just weren’t coming through. Instead I found myself juggling so many unrelated names—Drake, Bob […]