How to Sell Merch on Spotify

Maybe I’m late to the party, but it was recently brought to my attention that Spotify – that often dubious, occasionally delightful platform that has the music industry in its death grip and grossly underpays artists but still somehow can’t seem to chart a viable course towards profitability – has more than one trick up […]
Are Spotify’s royalty changes a big deal?

I’m wading into the controversy this morning… To make it even more offensive: I think most people (including, maybe, you) are overreacting. Yeah, yeah – I know Tom already wrote about this topic in an email that was kinder and more insightful than anything I’ve written this year. So this morning’s post is fated to be redundant, slightly […]

As an “elder millennial” I’m old enough to remember mixtapes — little plastic cassettes with a jumble of songs recorded straight off the radio. I loved curating the mixtapes and I loved giving them away. I remember every single mix someone else gave to me — I listened to them over and over! Mixtapes were […]
Meta Ads for Music: 3 Tips for 2024

This year, I made two big decisions related to my music marketing agency: 1. I stopped offering press services. I wrote about this here, but the upshot is that after five-plus years of helping artists get covered in blogs, I just got kind of burned out. I haven’t run a PR campaign in six or seven […]
Is Spotify Promotion Worth It?

My YouTube comment section is quickly becoming a gold mine for new posts. Honestly, most of the comments I get are really nice; even the somewhat-challenging comments are usually structured politely. So far, my videos have never elicited quite the reaction that Tom provoked from Johan*. (Tom was asking for it, I think.) But every […]
How I’m Building a Spotify Playlist Network

So I’m in the midst of a fun little experiment… I’m building a playlist network. In this post, I’d like to tell you a little bit more about what I’m doing with the playlist network and how it’s going – because it’s kind of my pet project right now, and because I feel like I […]
7 Tips to Grow on Spotify for 2023

In an effort to, as the marketing guru bros say, “provide insane value,” I want to share a few of the brass tacks – stuff that you can actually implement for yourself to grow on Spotify. So here we go. This is a hodgepodge of seven tactics and tips that I’ve seen working over the past year. […]
What are SEO playlists on Spotify?

There are pros and cons, for sure – my take is that it depends on your music and what you’re looking for.
SubmitLink Review: Is This Playlisting Service Legit?

Quick take based on multiple campaigns: The platform isn’t huge, but it is legit.
Partnered Projects Review: Is Their Spotify Promo Worth It?

Thinking about using Partnered Projects and wondering if they’re worth it? I’ll give you the short answer first: Based on my personal experience running a campaign, Partnered Projects is a legit, effective means of driving streams and engagement on Spotify. Our campaign, which I received as a free trial worth $189, drove about 10,275 streams […]