Fuel and Fire, Love and Anxiety in “Runaway” by Kylie V

“Runaway,” by Kylie V, is a song that comes from a deeply sensitive heart, for whom – because love and a relationship is so precious, and they care so much for their first love – contemplating and preparing for all the negative possibilities of the end of that relationship also feels like an enormous burden. […]

Emina Sonnad Restarts the Music with “Turn the Record Over”

Emina Sonnad’s “Turn the Record Over” is an elegant song, built around a warm piano with just enough reverb to sound full but lonesome, like it’s playing in a sunlit but empty room. The piano carries the waltz-time foundation, while the drums provide atmospheric surprise. The drum sounds are particularly hands-on: the wooden click of […]

When You’re Feeling Down, There’s Lullanas’ “Cheap Silver Lining”

There are times when it feels right to play a “feelin’ kind of low” song. It isn’t always about the lyrics fitting where you’re at. People feel low for a million different reasons, at least. If the song has that sense of melancholy that goes with it, and you’re on your own or hangin’ with […]

Parkland’s “Trainwreck” is the Perfect Amalgamation

Human memory is a funny thing. Every New Year I go in positive. Then every January I remember how horribly cold, dark, and depressing those days can be, and how a task list of a million new ways to change my life is unsustainable. Next year, though? I’ll do it again. You could say this […]

Lonely Choir Sings a “Kind Song”

This will be nice, I thought. A kind song, drawn up from the well-wishing wishing-well of someone’s heart. And sweetly, sweetly, Lonely Choir begins, “I hope you get hit by a bus.” So it’s that kind of song, the kind that lets you know right away the title is ironic. This is a detailed anti-prayer, […]

Grace Gardner’s “Scorpions Don’t Live Forever” & Undefinable Hats

Grace Gardner wears many hats. A black belt in Tae Kwon Do, proficient in 10 musical instruments, introspective while also being a bit of a TikTok star – Maybe that’s why I’ve been struggling to find the words to describe her sound. I immediately though SZA – there’s melancholy dripping from every line. Then Aurora, […]

Noele Flowers’ “Portland” is a New Kind of Break-Up Song

Noele Flowers’ “Portland” is a different kind of break-up song. It’s a bit upbeat, a bit fast, and its resentment, pain, and frustration is understated, stretched out – subtle but ever present. See, it’s not a romantic break-up she’s singing about. It’s the more grisly, more gruesome, and horrifying kind. A friendship break-up. How was […]

Saintseneca’s New Monster is “Wild Violent”

Saintseneca’s songwriting is a unique beast. Lead singer Zac Little writes with internal rhymes and assonance as dense as those of Gerard Manley Hopkins (“Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell’s / Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name” – Hopkins could’ve been an indie singer-songwriter, if he wasn’t a […]

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