Maybe this song was the message he left on her answering machine.

He knows Daisy lied that she’d be visiting her family, but he wants her to come over. It’s a bit of a long, rambling, message. It’s a uniquely pedestrian version of a fantasy, about food and a coin collection and conversations and reading a book and her playing guitar like BB King. There might be a veiled reference to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which may actually be the key to an underlying agnostic absurdism.

There may be a sadness to it, but it seems to be a comfortably resigned sadness, taking no offense. That is, unless the line “whoa my days, our days are numbered” is meant to have a darkness to it that I don’t hear in the song. I don’t think so, though. There may even be some hope in it.

Like maybe if Daisy would spend time with him, everything would just be okay.

Daisy’s full name is “Daisy O’Summer.” Lightweight Champion is a Seattle band, so – although the proximity to the ocean does temper the cold somewhat, it also lends a dampness. From where I sit, it’s true enough that the days of summer are numbered, and we just want to spend more time with them. There is a thaw where I’m at right now, but I look at my Insta, and there are photos of tropical locations. I’ll tell ya, I could spend some time hanging out with Daisy O’Summer right now, and I wouldn’t even mind that she lied about visiting her family – it would be nice just to know that warmth was there.

Lightweight Champion just released “Daisy.” They debuted it at Barboza, in Seattle, on Wednesday, January 25. I missed it. In my defense, I was working in a different country, but if I were in Seattle – I would have tried to make it. Barboza’s promo called Lightweight Champion “an alt-country, indie-rock band with a Wilco-like twang.”

They will be at The Sunset Tavern on Friday, April 28, at 9 p.m.. You can catch them then. The promo writer for The Sunset calls them a “folk-rock band that evokes a range of emotions with their full sound built upon strong themes.”

Well, I listened to their song “Cowboys” too – and I guess I get where the “alt-country” thing comes from. Strong themes, too. It might be up to you to listen to their music, and come to your own conclusions.

No, scratch that. The lyrics to “Cowboys” are too densely packed to be comfortably country at all, even with the lead guitar pedal simulating a steel guitar a little.

Put “Daisy” and “Cowboys” side by side, and Lightweight Champion is full of a kind of gentle, slightly self-deprecating, a bit wry, a bit sly, philosophically-minded, old soul narrative. So I’d go with “Alt-Folk,” because that’s the heart of their music. Lightweight Champion… is Lightweight Champion. And that’s a good thing.