Grab a partner and dance to Daffodil Floors by Mandi Mapes

I love a waltz, don’t you? I’ve got a feeling Mandi Mapes might be partial to one as well, judging by the joyous way she delivers Daffodil Floors. I found myself immediately swaying my head from side to side as her latest song started to play with a sweet little piano line. It’s pretty, pretty […]

The Stolen Hours of H.C. McEntire’s “Soft Crook”

It’s a small thing, but also not a small thing, for someone to hold your hand on the street, to kiss you goodnight in her doorway. “Never seemed to ask for much / a lover not afraid of love” H. C. McEntire sings on “Soft Crook” – and it’s not too much to ask. Love […]

Bananaclub’s “Hi girl bye bye” Demands You Have a Good Time

The Chinese indie music scene reminds me a bit of Game of Thrones. One of the most cited reasons Game of Thrones took off the way it did is that it subverted expectations; a main character being killed off in the first season was unprecedented, shocking, and ultimately exciting: nobody, and nothing, was safe. That […]

Gentle simplicity works on Willow by Ella Rae Cole

An attractive strummed acoustic guitar pattern introduces “Willow” by Ella Rae Cole and her even more attractive singing soon follows. There is the addition of a cello part that comes in and out of the song at different intervals. This serves the delicacy of the delivery of this gentle song but due to its clever […]

Laura Lang Writes a “Love Letter”

Like T. S. Eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and Pete Townshend’s album The White City: A Novel, Laura Lang’s “Love Letter” isn’t what the title says it is. In fact, she tells us in the chorus, “This isn’t a love letter, ’cause I can’t let it be.” So my question is, […]

The Roseline will get you swaying side to side with new single “Hot Dice”

The acoustic folk five-piece The Roseline closed off their relatively quiet 2022 with two singles, the first of which is the warm and merry cut “Hot Dice.” If you’re in need of a smile or a song to alleviate the feeling of loneliness, “Hot Dice” will be right up your street.  The track starts with […]

Chanteclaire’s “Ripped Off the Covers” & the SNES

One of my favorite games of all time is Earthbound: Mother 2. The game was made for the SNES, coming out a few years before I was even alive. Fundamentally it’s about a kid leaving home and trying to heal the twisted, zany world around him – and, of course, making friends along the way. […]

The Apparent Calm of Shy Yearning in SOMOH’s “Anything”

Sophia Moran (SOMOH), 20-year-old London-based Indie artist, has a subtle intensity in delivering her song “Anything,” about the yearning inherent in a romance that is mutually understood and desired, but unspoken and not yet in motion. The song begins a bit jouncy. It’s not bubblegum energy, but kind of like how some folks, when they’re […]

Ryan Waczek’s “Broken” Is The Ultimate Earworm

When I was 16, I had a part-time job washing dishes at a local pub. During one shift, Kelis’ “Milkshake” popped into my head and nothing I did could get it out. 18 years later, the same thing happened. Though this time the song in question was “Broken” by Ryan Wackez (ft. Ruhde). And thankfully, […]

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