Lisa De Angelis Has Emmylou-Style Authenticity

Lisa De Angelis’ music could be described as “Australiana” because it blurs the lines between country music and Americana. The singer was raised in southwest Sydney, and now resides in Brisbane. She’s been described as “part Judy Garland, part Saturday Night Live comedian” – and her songwriting has the power and authenticity of Americana greats […]
How I’m using AI to run my music business

Here’s how I’m using AI in my music business: I’m not. End of post. Bye bye. See you later. … Okay, that was a Shrek reference, and relatedly, I’m just kidding – about ending the post there, not so much about my usage of AI tools. Despite the hype, I haven’t really adjusted any of […]
Rachel Newnham Gently Calls to the Weary Soul in “Nobody Loves You Like I Do”

A little house down my suburban street, when I was a kid, had peeling paint, and curled up shingles, and an overgrown yard. There was a formerly white wooden fence, about 3 feet high, with a gate that was falling off. Cats wandered in and out of the foliage. Trees, which had grown on their […]
How to Use SubmitHub in 2023

SubmitHub. It’s a controversial platform, I know. Maybe you love it. Maybe you hate it. Maybe you hate that you love it. All of those reactions are totally understandable. I’ve been on SubmitHub as a curator for the last five years, and over that span I’ve run dozens of my own campaigns and the full […]
Elizabeth Hume’s “August” Unveils a Different Side to Summer

Well. How about we get honest? Like a lot of people in this world, I struggle with depression. Severe for awhile, now it’s just severe anxiety and moderate depression (woohoo!). It’s super… well, not fun, a lot of the time. Even now I’m about three minutes away from a beach and I struggle to get […]
Bad Tiger’s “Enough” and Timing

Bad Tiger is a story about timing. I was impressed beyond belief when I read that San Fran-based Bad Tiger debuted the week lockdown started. Because that one fact tells a story of its own: of pure resilience. I can’t think of much else that would so fully overshadow or outdo something so precious, so […]
When Should You Pay to Promote Music?

I watch YouTube videos now. Before last year, believe it or not, I rarely watched YouTube videos – like, almost never. But last year I started my own channel, and since then I’ve been on the platform much more often. I’ve consequently discovered how hard it is not to click a thumbnail that piques your […]
The 5 Best Pencil Mics (Under $500)

Don’t have time for a long read? Say no more. Here are my top 5 picks for the best pencil mics in 2023. So, you’re on a budget (in this economy, who isn’t?) and aren’t happy with the mic you’re currently recording with. Or, you’re just putting together your very first studio setup from scratch. […]
Alissa Moreno Transcends Tragedy on “Wildfires”

Alissa Moreno has a richer life story than most songwriters. She was born on a small Navajo reservation and grew up in Albuquerque. She began writing songs in Hawaii, then moved to L.A. to pursue music and teach meditation. She later made her way to Nashville, where she co-wrote a Top 5 song for Rascal […]
Bernie and Kaycie Satterfield want you to “Stay”

Bernie (Sarah Bernstein) and Kaycie Satterfield’s recent collaboration, “Stay,” alternates between creating moments of timelessness and evoking the march of days. Appropriately, it’s a love song. Somewhat unusually, it’s a love song focused on ordinary times. The lyrics contrast love’s way of measuring time with standard measurements. The singer observes “People on the corner selling […]