How to Build a Fanbase in 2023

Everybody starts from somewhere. Nobody is an immediate success; everyone has an entry point. Shoot, even Taylor Swift and Drake started from the bottom! (Although for Drake, “the bottom” was Degrassi: The Next Generation. So, still a low point, I guess.) Anyway, I’m talking origin stories because I’ve recently had a few people ask me […]

Do Facebook Ads Work for Spotify Promotion?

The short answer to the question in the title is, yes, Facebook ads definitely can work for Spotify promotion. If you’re looking for a more detailed answer – complete with pros, cons, and analysis, well, buckle up. I’m going to break down my own results from implementing the ads-based approach I teach in my Spotify […]

What’s the Point of TikTok for Musicians?

I’m going to keep this short. That’s partly because I’m a bit worn out (I’ve churned out a lot of words lately), and partly because brevity makes sense, given the subject matter. Here’s the subject matter: How to deal with the “TikTokification” of art. In case you’re unfamiliar with the verbiage, here’s a quick definition: […]

Moonstrive Media Review: Legit or Not?

If you typed this question into a search bar and you just want to cut to the chase, here’s my quick answer: Yes, Moonstrive Media is legit. I ran what their team calls a “250k Playlist Follower Package” and got (so far as I can tell) somewhere in the realm of 25,000 streams. As I’ll […]

How Do Musicians Make Money in 2022?

Let’s start the conversation with this sad fact: Most musicians don’t make a lot of money. How much money do musicians make, exactly? Well, based on responses from 75 artists, the average musician made $12,200 from music-related activities in 2022. And, unfortunately, that’s probably overstating things, because our survey data was buoyed by a few […]

3 Ways to Find Spotify Playlist Curators

The Spotify playlist ecosystem is super sketchy. You probably already know this; if you’ve spent five minutes researching how to get on Spotify playlists, I’ll bet you’ve already come across a world of fun phrases like… Yeah, all that stuff sucks. I get it. Bad targeting, botted lists, payola – it’s all real. Playlists offer […]

Reflections on My First Year Working Full-Time on Two Story

Well, I’ve made it. I’ve doubted, many times, whether or not I would make it. Other people (but never my mom) did, too. And those doubts were not without reason. But I’ve proven them all wrong. Today, as the month of October offers up its last dying breath (happy Halloween btw), it’s official: I’ve worked […]

Top 7 Tools to Find Spotify Playlist Curators (2022)

Want to find Spotify playlist curators? These seven tools make it a heck of a lot easier: Want to know which tool is right for you? Keep reading. The idea behind tools to help you find Spotify playlist curators If you’re an artist looking to get more streams on Spotify, you’ve probably realized that there […]

Do What You Like

I might lose you with this first line: I really don’t like TikTok. If you’ve tracked with me for more than a few months, you’ve probably heard me offer this opinion before, and you may have thought to yourself, “Jon is a grumpy old man,” which is harsh but fair. (Just wait till I’m 80. […]

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