“The House” by Triston James: Vulnerable, Hopeful, and Grateful

Being a psychology student, I learn a lot about mental health and its treatment. All of us deal with periods of bad mental health, and whether it be clinical or not, one of the most advantageous things for mental health is a social support system. Having the love of friends and family give us immeasurable […]
“Grieve” by Elissa Margolin: The Destructive Power of Grief

“Let us grieve, grieve, grieve” Opening the song with a plea, Elissa Margolin sets the melancholy tone for her song “Grieve” right away. By repeating “grieve” and coming back to this line several times throughout the song, the theme of grief is perpetually present. The repetition is also representative of being stuck in a cycle […]
Rascal Miles on “Asylum,” Vulnerability, and Safety

Vulnerability is a challenge in life and a necessity in music. Rascal Miles perfectly captures the sacredness of vulnerability and of offering a safe space for someone else to be vulnerable with you in his new song “Asylum”.” As Miles sings about staying home and being safe from the world, we find respite in the […]
Elly Kace on “Are You Ready?” and Musical Inspirations

With a dreamy ambience and comforting lyrics detailing having to deal with a hard time, “Are You Ready?” by Elly Kace feels like an existential crisis wrapped in a hug. The production of this song goes so perfectly with the subject matter. The pulsing bell throughout the song reminds me of a heartbeat, and drawn-out […]
“All The Same” by Facekiss: Post-Heartbreak Numbness

With steady, stacked vocals backed by intriguing instrumentation, “All The Same” by Facekiss is a song you can’t help but move to. Though the string instruments and upbeat pacing make you think of this song as a happy one, the subject matter is quite the opposite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YczYs2kV1hQ “He picked her up, she said hello” Most […]
“Whatever Works” by Roller Derby: Love, Sacrifice, and Desperation

A longing post-breakup reflection, “Whatever Works” by Roller Derby reminisces over a failed relationship and tries to figure out how to reignite it. With dreamy vocals and relaxing instrumentation, it sounds like Philine Meyer, the vocalist behind the song, is playing it cool. But when listening to the lyrics, you can tell it is anything […]
“Some Sunny Day” by Lloyd Taylor-Clark: A Reflection on the Passage of Time

With his debut single, “Some Sunny Day,” Lloyd Taylor-Clark provides a peaceful tune with lilting guitar and ambient vocals. This song, with its reflections on the passage of time as well as the laments over the perpetual nature of feelings, stirs up emotions similar to that of an existential crisis (emotions I am probably a […]
“Lemons and Tangerines” by AJ Lee & Blue Summit: A Fruitful Spring

A sweet bluegrass-y tune, “Lemons and Tangerines,” excels at finding the simple joys in life. With its’ muse being a lemon-tangerine tree, this upbeat song puts you in a good mood and reminds you to not look over the little things in life. “Beautiful yellow Is down in my tree Spring is here another year” […]
“Loving Arms Where I Belong” by Joey Hines: Marveling at the Wonders of Love

Joey Hines has found a metaphorical home in his lover’s arms in his recent single “Loving Arms Where I Belong.” Hopeful romantics dream of a safe and comfortable relationship, and Hines describes exactly that. With ultra-specific lyrics that make this song seem like something you’re watching, rather than listening to, along with captivating and intimate […]
“Venus in Heat” by Jennah Barry: Love, with Complications

Love is a steady theme in music, dominating the subject of most songs you hear. It is a marvel that the same thing can be sung about over and over and listeners never tire of it. But because of artists like Jennah Barry, the subject of love doesn’t get worn out. “Sunday morning after Warm […]