“Nowhere” by Sadie is the kind of track that demands your attention. The quirky synth builds a sort of nervous energy that mirrors the experience she speaks of, and the perfectly pitched vocals complement the hyperpop elements of the melody. According to the artist, this eccentric melody is supposed to mirror the “manic happiness and electric hum” that the world takes on at the first signs of spring. One thing is for sure: There’s something about the rise and fall of this song’s energy that is completely hypnotizing.

Think I’ll get it all right then it’s over / Thought I had it in my mind but it’s nowhere”

Sadie explains the intention of the song in a press release: “‘Nowhere” is sort of about listlessness, and about the slippery quality of emotions — it’s about feeling a sense of purpose and joie de vivre for a moment, and losing it the minute you feel it.” These lines lead into that feeling of loss. They are set up to show you the high of having an epiphany, and the immediate dismay of losing the thought before you can make sense of it. The process starts over, and you feel like you have to find yourself all over again.

She goes on to say that her goal was to juxtapose those feelings with bubblegum melodies and the sort of ice-cream truck inspired synths you hear in the background, to help capture that sense of dissonance.” This mix of less-than-favorable feelings with an irresistible beat is what makes the song so unique. It’s something I can listen to over and over because I relate with the message and also because the melody is one-of-a-kind.

Never feel like I’m grounded / When I get it it’s gone yeah / Went to get it and got it then it’s not there”

Every word of this song is relatable; We’ve all had this moment of losing our grip on life. Every time you feel like you’re taking a step forward you fall back. Whenever you feel like you’re getting ahead of things, twenty new problems pop up. Or, you get what you want and lose it, or you lose something else. It can feel like the solution to your problems is always just out of grasp.

Sadie does a wonderful job of expressing a very particular feeling in very few words. The simplicity of the lyrics allows the melody to take center stage and give the song an upbeat vibe. However, she says just enough to give the song emotional value. It’s a song that meets people where they are. She doesn’t offer a solution, or a full story even. She just lets us know that this is where she is in life, and that you might be here too, but it’s okay. Having everything figured out is just a myth anyways — no one ever truly does.