Comprised of three teen brothers and a dad, we have the interesting combo that is The Pierce Project. They bring us today’s track, “Time is Absurd (Favorite Song)”

The song starts off with an ever-ascending series of electronic sounds that vaguely remind me of a Shepard tone. A nice base layer of piano is added to the mix before percussion comes to join. The vocalist then begins with the following lyrics:

My hair is too long; fair is too wrong

I’m the wrong guy; bug in my eye

White picket fence; vote for Mike Pence

I’m on a roll; fell in a hole

While it probably doesn’t make sense at first, it fits with the theme of time being absurd. The odd lyrics also make me think of someone doing tongue twisters to warm up before they go on air for the news.

From here, the vocalist goes live, ironically singing about how they don’t have a favorite song and never learned how to sing, pointing out that you can still sing despite not having the standard training. It’s like many skills in life that can be learned through a variety of methods.

There’s a short flare of drumming and a quick pause before the vocalist continues, singing:

Know when you are down; I’ll be around

We will be free; you’ll be with me

Haven’t you heard; time is a word

Meaning to life; time is absurd

They reflect on how there’s no point to analyze life too closely. Time and even things like the word “time” are man-made concepts that don’t rule the rest of the animal kingdom, so why should it dominate us?

The vocalist then reflects on how we’re often sold the idea of living forever, singing:

And you’re given this task

To make sure your life will last

And maybe now you will know

That maybe your time is slow

Could be a yes

Could be a no

Put on a show you know, that

your time is slow

While we don’t ultimately know for certain whether we’ll be here for a long time, we’re told to put on a show and always act young regardless of age. We pretend to never grow old, buying all sorts of creams, supplements, and other things to pretend we can take control of how long we have to live.

 There’s now a duo of two voices as they sing the final verse:

“You’ll be older soon (I wish that I could see the light)

(For lonely days and lonely nights)

Time will last you all of your life (I wish that I could be alright)

(For just one day I’ll know me)

For your time will last (I hope one day I’ll be the same)

(Gain a new friend to show the way)

Haven’t you heard; time is a word

Meaning to life; time is absurd”

They point out that you can’t avoid aging. It’s just an inevitable part of life and is nothing to fear. The time you have for your life is yours and, while time will continue to go on after you pass, it’s something you can’t comprehend or try to obtain more of. The time after you pass isn’t yours, so take the time you have now and use it wisely.

What was the inspiration for writing “Time is Absurd (Favorite Song)”?

The Beach Boys were the primary inspiration, and I wanted to experiment using the synth in the beginning of the song with a chord progression that I liked.

So, you’re a family band composed of three teen brothers and a dad. How did that come together?

Over the summer, we decided to have some fun creating a one-day album where all the songs had to be written and finished in a day. We liked working together and decided to expand it into a band.

What’s the most challenging part of playing together as a family? What’s the most satisfying?

It is challenging that we are all in different locations; Dad travels for work and Jimmy is at college so finding time is tough. The most satisfying is when we all hear a song the same way and have the same ideas about the direction regardless of who wrote it. We also love to jam together.

How much does being a family band influence the music and lyrics that you use?

We like to write songs that we all can relate to. We all experience relationships differently because we are all such different ages, but we all still suffer the same problems. As a family, we all share a love for the 60s and 70s rock, and we share songwriting instincts. We do have different sounds though.

For “Time is Absurd (Favorite Song)”? which came first: the music, or the lyrics?

The music came first for Time is Absurd.

What would you consider to be more important: the music, words, or neither?

I don’t think either is more important.

What genre would you consider The Pierce Project to be?

60s and 70s pop rock or indie rock.

While you don’t have a favorite song as stated in “Time is Absurd (Favorite Song)”, do you have a top 5 list of favorite songs? If so, what would they be?

 Jimmy has “In my Life” by The Beatles, Luke has “Nobody Home” by Pink Floyd, Nick has “Sloop John B.” by The Beach Boys and Dad has “Hey Hey What Can I Do” by Led Zeppelin. The 4 of us also agree on a 5th favorite of “Keep the Customer Satisfied” by Simon and Garfunkel.

Do you have any hobbies outside of the band that affect your music or lyrics? If so, what are they?

Everybody is really just trying to get girls.