The Apparent Calm of Shy Yearning in SOMOH’s “Anything”

Sophia Moran (SOMOH), 20-year-old London-based Indie artist, has a subtle intensity in delivering her song “Anything,” about the yearning inherent in a romance that is mutually understood and desired, but unspoken and not yet in motion. The song begins a bit jouncy. It’s not bubblegum energy, but kind of like how some folks, when they’re […]

Hope in the Ebb and Flow of Lena Douglas’s “Friends of the Future”

A calm and consistent, easy and jazz-like, harmonic background functions as the ambient context for lyrics that are rhythmically structured – not in phrases, or in lines, – but rather, like breaths. The words emerge like air being exhaled, slowly and comfortably, but consistently and steadily. We need such music. When I’m away from the […]

The Unrequited Love in Mary Middlefield’s “Band Aid”

At first, it seems that Mary Middlefield’s beautiful song “Band Aid” is about the kind of unrequited love that takes place in what is already supposed to be a romantic relationship. The relationship is unequal – one person is looking for love, but the other person is only looking for some a way to patch […]

Belle Shea’s “Cheyenne” is a Goodbye that Leaves You Speechless

It’s a music reviewer’s job to… well, review music. You’re supposed to have a lot of words to describe a song. But once in a while, a song will come along that stops you in your tracks, because any description you could give it would just fall short. And it’s because the song itself is […]

Around The Sun In 80 Ways

Songs make my mind a traveler, and as I listened to GALASO’s EP Around the Sun, my thoughts ventured to a few different places. Well, one place in particular. It might sound trite, but GALASO’s smooth vocals brought me back to the old roller rink- so much so that I Googled “Roller Rink.” (What do […]

Blooming and Growing; An Interview With Kyla Tilley

When Kyla Tilley was writing and developing the song “Bloom and Grow”, she was living in Montreal, during the pandemic. Not long afterward, she and her husband were living in Newfoundland. The timing of the move wasn’t accidental coincidence. Here’s her account of those days… “Our neighbour started out being passive aggressive about the music. I […]

“Lightning Rider” Arrives on Wispy Clouds

Smooth vocals soaring over flute and guitar start “Lightning Rider” with a lilting “Do you want to be my…?”, repeated like the sing-song voices of children at play. Then the saw-like buzz of the cello enters, and similar vocals – an octave lower than the first – cut in with a more rugged earnestness. The […]

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