“Fruit” by Oliver Sim: Healing Your Inner Child

This journey begins with a talk show host asking Oliver Sim “If you could meet yourself as a kid right now, what would you say?” He gives us his answer in “Fruit,” a beautiful yet haunting glimpse into the experience of someone exploring their queerness and healing old wounds. “I’ve done a lot of inner […]

“That’s Where I Am” by Maggie Rogers: Creating A Happy Ending

“That’s Where I Am” is the musical equivalent of sunlight shining through the curtains of a dark room. Inspired by the joyful energy of the rom-com 10 Things I Hate About You, Maggie Rogers takes her own romantic memory and turns it into a power anthem. This track went in a different direction than I […]

Sadie’s “Nowhere”: Where Joy and Loss Collide

“Nowhere” by Sadie is the kind of track that demands your attention. The quirky synth builds a sort of nervous energy that mirrors the experience she speaks of, and the perfectly pitched vocals complement the hyperpop elements of the melody. According to the artist, this eccentric melody is supposed to mirror the “manic happiness and […]

Fawn’s “Mansions”: Striving For Good Vibes

Fawn is back with their second single: a catchy synth pop track that’s perfect for a summer night. “Mansions” is the ultimate sensory experience — from the dreamy vocals to the breezy melody to the trippy video production, it’s sure to make you feel good inside.  The track is the product of two great musical […]

“Levitation” by Let’s Eat Grandma: Letting Go of Who You Are

“Levitation” by Let’s Eat Grandma is appropriately named — the track will have you feeling like you’re floating around the room. It’s the kind of song that puts you in an inspired, elevated state of mind. It gives me old-school disco pop vibes, like something I would hear at the roller rink. I originally thought […]

“Talk” by Beabadoobee: Rebelling Against the Norm

In her new single “Talk,” Beabadoobee tells a relatable story that encourages us to channel our rebellious side. It sounds like a song you would hear in a YA coming-of-age movie where an edgy girl-next-door meets an uptight protagonist and teaches them how to live a little.  “Talk” is the perfect balance of indie pop […]

Georgia Harmer’s “Talamanca”: Memories Over A Melody

“Talamanca” is a recollection of sentimental moments over the soft strumming of a guitar. Georgia Harmer proves herself to be an excellent storyteller with her descriptive writing and ultra-soothing delivery. Listening to this song is like listening to a poem or short story at an open mic night while music plays softly in the background. […]

Joyce Wrice’s “Iced Tea”: A Cold Glass of Confidence

In her latest single “Iced Tea”, Joyce Wrice challenges us to ignore the status quo and live our lives for ourselves. It’s a confidence-boosting feel-good anthem that asks you to celebrate yourself and what you bring to the table. It’s the song you listen to when you need to be reminded that you are the […]

“Pressure Point” by Jordana : An Anti-Anxiety Anthem

In “Pressure Point,” Jordana embodies the pep talk that every anxious thinker has to give themselves when they start to lose control. It’s a song I can listen to in the middle of a panic attack and feel like I’m going to be okay. From start to finish, Jordana creates a grounding listening experience that […]

“My Love” by Florence + The Machine: Yearning for Lost Creativity

Writer’s block: Every writer’s worst enemy. In this catchy single from her upcoming album Dance Fever, Florence captures the crippling feeling of having emotions and ideas to share but not the words to share them. She expresses the anxiety associated with change and loss — all while making us dance. I was always able to write […]

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